An illustration designed to be printed as various sized duvets for TasandC on Etsy. I was inspired by the growing trends in bedroom interior designs - the use of grey and contrasting pastel colors. Since this is intended for a bedroom, I wanted to design something that wasn't too 'loud' or overly busy. I aimed for a peaceful and serene feel as a room should be a place of relaxation and rest.
Duvets and shower curtains are currently available for purchase at TasandC

I redesigned an existing room in Photoshop to give a visual presentation of the duvet. The room is based on what I imagined the duvet '"living" in as I created it. Interior design is a big part of my thinking process when I illustrate something for print. I always try to picture it hung on a wall or used as a room decor.

Rough Sketch Rough Photoshop Mock Up Illustrator WIP
Final Illustration Room Before (cred. Google) Room After (Photoshop Edit)